Paul Lukez Architecture
Throughout the house, Lukez established a rhythm of awning and casement windows that filter natural light and frame vistas. “It was important that every space in the home feel both contained, yet connected to each other, and to the amazing views,” says Lukez. The effect was achieved not only with the windows, which activate the interiors by bringing the outside in, but also by creating a variety of ceiling heights with soffits, that help to delineate areas within the open-plan living, dining, and kitchen spaces. “The soffits are practical too, as they hide ductwork and mechanicals, and in the dining room, a major beam,” says Lukez. “Between the living and dining room the soffit helps with a spatial transition, and in the master bedroom it stiffens the corner, adding some extra structure there.”
Also in the master bedroom suite, the patterns continue with the geometry of the translucent, shoji-like closet doors, which run along the length of the suite. Made of glass covered by a white film, the pattern on the doors mimics the window placement and adds one more rhythmic element to the house.
Materials are rich and warm, including red birch floors and stair treads, walnut cabinets in the kitchen, cherry for a built-in sideboard in the dining room, and limestone in the master bath. “All the surfaces were chosen to bring another dimension of light, shadow, and reflection into the home,” says Lukez. A custom steel and glass stairway, located off the entrance vestibule and anchored to the back of the fireplace adds another reflective surface to the mix.
Alpers, who just returned from Ethiopia with his family and their newly adopted two-year-old, says he loves coming home to the house whether it’s back from a trip overseas, or just home from his easy commute to work. “I love to be cooking in this kitchen and to look over and watch the kids playing in the living room,” he says, trying to describe his favorite space in the house. “But then, I also like the master bathroom. Oh, and the living room is pretty nice. The truth is, we use all the space in this house. There’s nothing we would change.”
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