Feng shui office

Feng shui office

The office, in addition to performance, feng shui also affect relationships between colleagues as well as other social relations.
Feng shui art of mediation frustrating

Computer is an object indispensable in modern offices today, under the Kim computer. If the room has too much work computers will lead to a frustrating, as people become hot-tempered, easily angry, difficult mental concentration. Chemical solution method is simple, it is to put a glass of water next to the containers, because the effect help reduce computer solution Kim. This makes the conscious mind, the mood is for tolerance and comfortable.
Feng shui art of creating harmonious environments, use of
To create a promotion at work is convenient or harmonize social relationships are sometimes just a slight change is achieved desired.
Using trees to interact:

If the area in front of or near where you sit is a toilet, they must put a large pot plants, fresh green branches in place between you and the toilet. The first chemical solution can uế gas escape from the toilet, the second is to prevent the magnetic field affects you negatively.
Average room used to prevent gas from uế doors:
If where you sit down with members around doors, unless you have a magnetic field powerful enough resistant lines from the direction of the energy. Otherwise, after a period of time, from the school itself will eventually go dry masterpiece, not only the air transport and would not mind holding the position stability. Therefore, it is best to use a style sheet to prevent peace between seats and doors.
Use lights reconciliation negative air:

If sitting position with soap or soap peer pressure can put a table lamp in position just below horizontal beams. Often turn lights to reduce the disadvantage to the gas itself.

Discretion not to hang pictures on the wall of the office:

These pictures provoke nature, overcast, heavy or too gaudy colors are not appropriate to hang in the room to work. Room work should hang the picture content gentle or simple to highly decorative effect.

Seats around the trees should not grow too large:

The plants usually grow in the room are green trees because tree leaves can prevent air and hung absorb the energy of heaven and earth. But the plants have small leaves or needles long pointed, positive attributes can absorb energy of the body, so do not plant trees in the room.

Art of Feng Shui in promoting coast

Because the position of the prosperous south and more so when the show is not the same location and arrangement of objects in the room worked well with the differences.

According to feng shui, the female should a small strip of red silk left corner desk. Do so to increase the Republic's coast and create the same with other colleagues. The work will naturally become smooth, successful, further received the confidence of the leaders of the company.
If a male is placed a small statue of a dog or pig small glass corner desk right for such career advancement will be easy.

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