Stonehenge in England
Start the dawn of human history, standing demand to protect themselves before the effects of natural weather, human history had to create architectural form first in order to survive. Thus, the architecture was first on the needs arising from the use of man's man. In the history of European architecture, theories about the origins of architecture Vitruvius mentioned in the book Ten works of architecture. Accordingly, the primitive hut is considered as beginning points for every form of architecture later.
In Neolithic period, people built the wall solidly to protect, such as stone walls are found in the famous Jericho, dating built in 8000 BC. They have also unearthed a cluster of residential populations, including the round house built by her husband ranked on different rocks in the village of Skara Brae in Scotland.
In Bronze Age, the first type of architecture was born. That is the type of the following:
* Room Stone (Dolmen)
* Pillar Stone (Menhir or monolith)
* Proximity (Cromlech)
* This initial type of the temple.
Temple architecture was built to worship a god or a celebrity late.
Many temples for the gods of religion or belief provinces. For example in China there are temples of the gods of Taoism as Tam Thanh Huyen De, Spirit of, Lao family fortune Log, Spirit Vu Bat Monitoring, Lao of the Teacher, Black Tiger Forum and Sung flexible Huyen Add period. ..; in Greece is the Temple of the Gods in Greek mythology as Delphi temple worship god Apollo.
Many temples were built to acknowledgment of a hero of the country or have the faith of an individual with local but was raised by folk etymology. In Vietnam there is a real character in history and was made a holy temple built in various places of the 3 regions of Tran Hung Dao. Tran Hung Dao temple also known as the Duc Thanh Tran.
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